A balanced life is over-rated. Really. I mean, who can really balance it all?
Instead of trying, I’ve decided to strive for the opposite….
I want to live a completely unbalanced life:
one that is totally and completely consumed with Jesus.
As soon as my eyes open each day,
I want to think of Him and bend my knees to His sovereign hand.
I want to offer my heart, my day, my everything to Him.
I want Jesus to be what I long for –
the only thing that can satisfy the longings of my heart.
I want an identity so rooted in Him that no sense of self remains.
I want His Word to overwhelm my mind, consume my thoughts,
be my fuel, my source of strength, my very life.
I want to live as an empty vessel waiting to be filled –
a fragrant offering to the giver of all good things.
More of Him. Less of me.
That’s what I want…
a completely unbalance life.
I dare you to join me…
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. Philippians 3:8
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