I had to laugh out loud at myself the other day while I was doing the laundry. Usually, laundry isn’t quite so entertaining, but a little big picture perspective allowed me to laugh at my present.
I was taking a very full load of clothes out of the dryer and was DETERMINED to get it all out at once. After all, I just had to make a quick run to my bed in the adjacent room where I do all my folding. So, I crouched down by the door and make a big scoop with my whole upper body inside the dryer, fully enclosing every little sock, shirt and pantie in my load. And off I went….
until the first few articles escaped my grip. I carefully swept up the missing pieces from the floor, only to lose a few more along the way. Pick up two, drop three more. You know the scene. But I am DETERMINED – remember? So I keep doing it. Secure the load – scoop up sock – drop panties. Re-secure the load – scoop up panties – drop shirt. MERCY – why can’t I just get it all at once?
Now usually at this point I’m not smiling. But this time was different. I took what was left in my arms and threw it on my bed – and had to laugh as I picked up those pesky little rebels that made it to the floor.
That’s when I heard that familiar little voice inside me say, “Kinda looks like your life sometimes, doesn’t it?” It took me a minute to make the connection, then I thanked God for such a timely illustration.
How often am I trying to carry too much at once? My life is so full that I’m dropping things, yet I’m still stubbornly determined to carry it all. Too much on my schedule, too many people to please, too many burdens – just flat out too much in my hands. And here I am, like a crazy person, trying to scoop up that which was lost, only to drop it again – over and over and over again. Maybe this time it’s time to really let go!!
Can you relate? What makes your hands too full???
My forward progress to God gets stopped frequently because I turn around to pick up the burdens that graciously fall out of my arms. I also hold onto the things I should be dropping. I stop and pick up my hurts and try to keep carrying them with me.