hi there!
To those of you that were following our MAC blog, I wanted to let you know that I confiscated the blog! I decided that since our church name is no more…Mom’s Around the Corners doesn’t really make sense anymore…so I stole the blog for my own selfish gain.
Are you ok with that?
If not, I will understand if you want to “un-follow” me.
But if you’d like to stay, I’d love to have you. I don’t know how often I’ll write, but you know how much I like to chat with you. I might even do it more often and pretend that we are sitting with a cup of coffee in our hands – really talking.
And don’t worry – you don’t have to talk back. I’ve learned that most of the time you’d rather not say anything – which is ok – even though you know it makes me VERY excited when you do 🙂
All of this to say, “I’m back!”. Under a different name. Will you have me??
Rene' says
Carrie'd away…. I love it!!
Larissa D says
I'll have you! I'm glad you did this, your brain has a lot of beautiful things to say, and pen on paper… or in this case the web!