It’s Spring Break around here – one of my favorite weeks of the year. I love it when all my people are home for one full week of togetherness. Actually, we all like being home with a blank white canvas of time before us.
Here’s what I’m chewing on right now …
I believe in the present tense of Jesus.
All those years ago, when the angel came down to tell Joseph about the birth of a child, born of the virgin Mary, a prophecy was fulfilled. It said: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth, and they will call him Immanuel – which means, ‘God with us’.” (Matthew 1:23)
But not just “God with us” for thirty three years. “God with us” forever.
Do you believe this too? That Jesus is present – that He is living and active in our lives right now?
Here’s another verse to consider …
What about this one? Was this verse only relevant to the people way back then, or is it still true for us today?
I’m asking because I believe our answer to this question is important, and leads to other important questions. Questions like …
- What difference does the 24/7 availability of the person and presence of Jesus make to our every-day lives?
- How seriously do we take Christ in the present tense?
- How does His present tense-ness affect our schedules, our routines, our relationships, our thinking, our leisure time, our worship, etc?
- Wait! Shouldn’t this affect our everything???
Listen to how Jesus puts it. He says,
If we believe this to be true, then you and I don’t have to bring Jesus to this lost and dying world. He’s already here. He’s present. He’s active. He’s working all things together for His glory and our redemptive good.
We just need to wake up and participate!
I scribbled this on top of a note pad the other day – words Jesus used to stir me up …
“I am already at work in and around you, child. It’s time to open your eyes and participate. Show up to the life I am already working in and through you.”
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